
St. Vincent de Paul
RC Church
OL12 7QL

Parish Priest :
Father James Manock.

01706 645361

This Week’s Newsletter

Bibles in Your Hand
Pray Each Day
Simple Stations
See our CAFOD Page

Caritas Click here to find out about CARITAS Volunteer Week

osary Leaflet including Pope Francis’s Prayers
Diocese of Salford Website.

You can give to St Vincents using the Code below


Click HERE for
Readings and the Order of Mass

Click HERE for contacts and further information and HERE for the Guidance Procedure

If you wear a hearing aid, set it to T for the Induction Loop System

Need local Mass Location and Times in England & Wales?
Need a Mass Leaflet in English?
Speak to Fr. James.
Click HERE for a worldwide directory of Catholic Churches

Does any of the following apply to you?
Are you New to the Parish?
Do you know someone, who is sick or in Hospital?
Would you like a visit?
Do you think the Parish may be able to help you?
Do you think you may be able to help the Parish?
If so, please speak to Fr. James

Alternatively, try our
Parish Groups page for information.


 Sunday 21st October
       29th Week Ordinary Time Year B


Help is essential for the life of the Parish and there are many groups organising the work on a rota basis
There is always a need for more help
Please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Manock or any of the groups if you feel you can contribute in any way however small.

We have listed most of the Parish Groups and Activities and some email addresses have been added. In case of problems with any of the contact details, please contact Fr. Manock.

We have also added some further information on some groups (their names are highlighted in the left hand column). Just click on the group / activity name.

Activl ity

Contact Name



Parish Priest

Fr James Manock

01706 645361


Mrs Pat Harrison

01706 643573


Altar Servers

Mrs Catherine Naden

01706 341882



Mrs Cathy Unsworth

0776 294 1242



Mr Mike Henry

01706 358295


Caritas Salford

Mrs Briege Sivills


Catenians Rochdale

Mr Graham Sivills

01706 632533

Church Cleaning

Mrs Dorothy Cannon

01706 639960


Churches Together

Mr Mike Davis

01706 648309


Mr Bernard Lundergan



Courses and Study Groups

Mr Mike Davis

01706 648309

Eucharistic Ministers Rota

Mr Mike Harrington

01706 351151


Finance / Planned Giving

Mr Mike Rowley

07989 637989


Miss Rachael Buckley

01706 646885


Getting Together

Mary Scott

01706 869590


Liturgy Preparation

Fr James Manock

01706 645361

Maintenance Group




Marriage Registrar

Mrs Win McGhee

01706 345529


Music - Rota

Mr Graham Sivills

01706 868697

Music - Choir

Dr Chris Babbs

01706 414375


Music - Youth Musicians




Weekly Newsletter

Fr James Manock

01706 645361

Parish Centre 


07583 207 810


Piety Stall

Mary Knowles & Agnes Bevan




Mrs Catherine Naden

01706 341882


Pre-School Group Parish Centre

Mrs S. Johnson

01706 345052

Mon to Fri. 8.30am to 12.30pm


Mr Mike Davis

01706 648309


Mrs. Liz Ramsden

01706 658100

Sacramental Programme

Fr James Manock

01706 645361

Safeguarding - Contacts
See our Safeguarding page

Parish Rep Anna O’Mahoney


Download our Guidance Procedure if you have concerns for a child or vulnerable adult

St. Vincent’s Primary School

Mr S. Callaghan

01706 642469

Fair Trade

Graham & Briege Sivills

01706 868697

Vatenian Association

Graham Sivills



Mr Graham Sivills


Welcoming Rota

Mike Davis

01706 648309


Liturgy Preparation
The Prayers of Intercession (or Bidding Prayers) – proclaimed by the Reader as topics for prayer – are prepared by a small group of people to be concise, pertinent and to help the congregation pray. Both Fr James and a small group of laypeople prepare these. If you are interested in helping to do this, speak to Fr James in the first instance.
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The ministry of reading at Mass is an important one; as the reader is proclaiming, with their own voice, the very Word of God, and assisting everyone, whatever their literacy skills, to hear and understand that day’s message. Obviously the readers must understand what they proclaim. We are fortunate to have a number of excellent readers, but more are always welcome; training is given. Contact: Mike Davis: 01706 648309
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Adult Courses and small study groups
Most years we run courses of one kind or another on the Catholic faith and belief. Recently, we have run a number of programmes from CaFE- ( ), and held groups on the “Great Themes of the Old Testament” (following a parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land), and looked at the Mass in the light of the New English Translation. For many of these we have been joined both by Catholics from neighbouring parishes and by Christians from other local churches.
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The Catenian Association is a social organisation of practising Catholic men. It has about 11,000 members world-wide and is centred in England with some 23 active provinces and 300+ groups known as Circles in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Africa, Malta and now India. It is a Catholic social organisation; its purpose is non-political and neither is it a fund raising organisation though we do raise some funds for local charities.
Our Bursary Fund is available to provide a degree of financial support for young people up to the age of 26 to assist them in various types of charitable works, which can vary from helping with the Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes for the Sick to extended overseas visits to work in schools and orphanages in the Developing World. It is not limited to children or friends of members; it is open to all Catholic young people.
Use the link below for further details and application forms
Members of the Association are encouraged to provide support for their clergy, to join Church and Charitable organisations and to work for the good of the Parish and Community. The Rochdale Circle was established in 1923. It meets monthly at the Royal Toby, with a meal afterwards and organises quite a few social events throughout the year. If you would like any further information, please contact  Graham Sivills (01706 868697 or go to the Association website at and contact us. We are always keen to welcome new members.
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In reviewing our mission for the Millennium, we decided that it was helpful to have all those coming to Mass on Sundays (and Saturday vigil) positively welcomed. Usually this is in the form of a warm greeting and the offer of a Hymn book, Newsletter or Mass Leaflet. The welcomers are available to answer pertinent questions or help in whatever way possible.  It’s a simple and important job and new welcomers are always ‘welcome’!  Contact Jenny Davis 01706 648309
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Weekly Newsletter
The Newsletter is prepared each week by Fr. James. Please provide any items to him for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday pm. You can find the current copy HERE
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Finance / Planned Giving
Thankfully, the days of Tithes of 10% of our income have long gone. However, we still need to contribute to the upkeep of our Church and maybe, if instead of a few coins we looked to give 1%, we could help the financial state of our Parishes by giving what we can afford. If we are taxpayers, we need to sign up and use the Planned Giving Envelopes. The Tax Credit increases the value of our donation by 25% and if you are a higher rate taxpayer the Church collection still benefits by 25% but you get 15% back against income tax.
You are not committed to giving an exact amount every week  and nobody will be chasing you if you miss payments for whatever reason. The whole process is confidential so that no counters or anyone other than Mike Rowley is aware of individual contributions. So please ask yourself again. “Why not sign up?”
Make no mistake, the money is needed. We used to operate a minibus service for those needing transport to Church; maintenance of buildings and grounds are an ongoing drain; other Parishes are badly in need of support. Please look at the amount of your contribution; sign up for Planned Giving but, please do not attempt to give more than you can afford. 

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We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our friend Brian Lillis RIP who has given so much of his time to develop and maintain this website for the last 17 years. I helped Brian from time to time and have picked it up to keep it up to date. Please understand that this is a website produced by a volunteer. We do need professionals to bring the site into the world of Facebook and Twitter and particularly to provide more access and support for those unable to join us in Church. In any case it is not sensible that one person should be solely responsible.
We do need you to point out errors and to suggest improvements. We recognise our shortcomings so don’t worry that we may be unduly sensitive about criticism; we need your help.

Please think about it and if you think you can help in any way please contact Graham Sivills by email at or by phone at 07875 842218
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We are in need of volunteers for the continuing grounds maintenance work around the Church and Parish Centre. It is quite a big area and we try to have an organised group from about 9.30am on the first Saturday of each month weather permitting. Feel free to come along at any other time if that would suit better. The bulk of the work involves weeding with some clipping of bushes and general tidying. You will need only a few gardening tools;
Please contact Father James. We will be very grateful. 
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The Traidcraft stall is open in the Parish Centre each Sunday after Mass.(Please check the Newsletter)
Please do come and browse and maybe buy while you enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Traidcraft  supports the most vulnerable farmers and artisans in the developing world , helping them to trade their way out of poverty. 
Your support will make a difference. Thank you.

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